Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Expledge is an employment agency that works for the job seeker and not employers. We directly place people in a full-time jobs at a great company.

There are 2 steps to getting a job. Step 1 is to apply for the right jobs and get interviews and step 2 is to prepare for and pass the interviews. Expledge takes care of step 1 by searching and applying for jobs on your behalf, helping you focus more on Step 2. By outsourcing your job search to Expledge, your job search is more efficient and you get more opportunities.

We apply for time-consuming jobs on your behalf to save you hours per day. Also, we reduce your fatigue from having to find the right jobs, carefully reviewing the job descriptions, and filling out the job applications. The jobs we apply for will match your job search requirements in job title, location, salary, work visa sponsorship, company size, and industry.

Expledge makes your resume stand out to the applicant tracking systems (ATS), recruiters, and hiring managers. We thoroughly review your resume, correct any mistakes, and even create a new resume for you. We restructure your resume so it becomes easier to read and more likely to be reviewed by a human.

We get you real interviews at real companies so you can get great practice, sharpen your interview skills, and pass more interviews. We increase the number of good interviews you receive by applying for relevant jobs at all companies and career websites. You can spend more time reviewing and practicing interview material.

Expledge has a simple and transparent fee. You only pay the fee if you accept a job offer from Expledge. Accepting a job offer from Expledge is optional. You would pay a small % of the first 12 months of your compensation and get a significant return because jobs provide you income.

To summarize, it would greatly benefit you to work with Expledge because we supplement your job search and may significantly ramp up your job search process by applying for more jobs, getting more interviews, and finding a job sooner.

The process Expledge uses to apply for jobs on your behalf is not much different than if you were to search for a job on your own. However, the results may be significantly different because you are working with a team focused on finding you a job as soon as possible.

By working with Expledge, you may:

  • Get more interviews.
  • Pass more interviews.
  • Find a job sooner.

Get more interviews

Expledge actively applies to jobs at all companies and career websites on your behalf so we may apply for more jobs than if you were to apply for jobs on your own. Expledge also applies to time-consuming job applications so your resume receives more visibility and you may get more interviews.

As a result, Expledge may get you more interviews than searching for a job by yourself.

Pass more interviews

You have more time to prepare for interviews so you are more likely to pass more interviews. Even if you apply for jobs on your own, you need to be prepared to pass the interviews that you receive.

Find a job sooner

Instead of searching for a job on your own, you are now working as a team. If things work out well, you would be receiving and passing more interviews. The end result is that you would find a job sooner.

No. Expledge would not put you on a payroll. Expledge would help you find a job at a company so you would be employed by the company and the company would pay you. You would have a direct relationship with the company. We are not a middleman.

The client onboarding process takes less than a week, depending on how quickly you can:

  • Review and sign the client agreement.
  • Share job application information.
  • Share the revised resume with Expledge feedback.

Job search

Yes. Expledge helps people find specific job search requirements in job titles, job responsibilities, salary, company sizes, industry, locations, and work visa sponsorship.

Expledge only applies to jobs relevant to your profile and job search requirements. When you receive the first interview, you are welcome to ask the employer any questions you may have to see if they meet your minimum requirements for your next job.

It may take 3 to 5 months to find a job if we receive a modest number of interviews and if you pass the interviews. However, it may take longer to find a job if we do not regularly receive and/or pass interviews. If we get a high number of interviews then it may take 2 to 3 months to find a job.

Expledge is committed to helping you find a job. We will work with you as long as it takes to find a job whether it be 6 months, 12 months, or longer.

Expledge will share a Google Sheet (see below) with you that lists the jobs we applied for. We will update the Google Sheets after applying for the jobs so it may be updated a few times weekly. You may use this Google Sheets to avoid applying for jobs Expledge already applied for.

The Google Sheets will contain the information:

  • Company name
  • Job title
  • Location
  • Company size

Example of the Google Sheets:

You are welcome to share a list of companies for Expledge to avoid applying for.

The list of companies may include:

  • Companies that you previously worked at.
  • Companies that you already interviewed.
  • Companies that you are currently interviewing.
  • Companies that you will be referred to.
  • Companies you will apply to.

No. Expledge will not create a new LinkedIn account on your behalf.

You are welcome to apply for easy apply jobs on your personal LinkedIn account.

Work visa sponsorship

Yes. Expledge works with people who need work visa sponsorship.

Expledge cannot know if employers sponsor work visas for a job opening. If you receive an interview invitation then simply ask the employer if work visa sponsorship is offered for the role. If work visa sponsorship is not offered then you may decline the interview.


Yes. Expledge offers a hands-on resume writing service for a fee. We would schedule a time to review and write your resume together over Google Docs. The entire process may take 2 to 3 hours.

Resume writing application:

Otherwise, we may review your resume and offer feedback at no cost so you can rewrite your resume on your own.

Resume writing tips:

No. Expledge does not fake any information on your resume nor we do recommend it. We believe in being honest and accurate.

Also, we do not exaggerate any information on your resume either such as rounding up your work experience from 2.5 years to 3 years of work experience.

No. The time spent tailoring the resume could be used to apply for a job or two.

We recommend using a well-rounded resume that is tailored to the jobs we are looking for. We only recommend tailoring your resume for a specific job if you have a high chance of securing an interview, such as through an employee referral.


No. Expledge does not offer interview preparation services. Expledge applies to as many companies as possible and each company may interview differently so Expledge cannot effectively prepare you for the interviews. You would need to tailor your interview preparation for each company by reviewing the job descriptions, company profile, and interview topics and questions.

However, Expledge may indirectly help you prepare for interviews by:

  • Getting you real interviews at real companies.
  • Saving you hours per day which can be used to prepare for interviews.

Unfortunately, Expledge cannot give you a direct answer on the number of interviews you may receive.

The number of interviews you receive will depend on various factors:

  • The number of jobs we apply for.
  • Your total years of relevant work experience.
  • If you need work visa sponsorship.
  • Employer’s urgency to hire.
  • How well your resume matches the job qualifications.
  • Job market conditions.
  • Time of the year (e.g. fewer interviews in December).

Salary negotiation

Yes. Expledge helps with salary negotiation. We can set up a call to figure out various strategies on how to negotiate the salary.